Wednesday, July 25, 2007

let's kill tym!~

Starting Time: 1011hrs

Name: Syafieqa
Sisters: 1
Brothers: 3
what are u wearing?: baju kurung.. a day wif sweeet me..
Favorite Number: 11
Favorite Drink: teh o ais laici?
Favorite Month: mac
Favorite Breakfast: i seldomly have breakfast..
Have You EverBroken a bone: nope
Been in a police car: nope
Been on a boat: a'ah..
Came close to dying: yup.. knock by a van when i was in standard 6..
Fallen asleep in school: like d'uh?
Broken someone's heart: oops.. i did it again..
Saved emails?: yup
Been cheated on: honestly? yes..
cheated on the test: a'ah..
What is-Your room like?: rectangular in shape.. haha..
Whats right beside you?: another chair
What is the last thing you ate?: mentos amir.. huhu..
Had---Chicken pox: yeap
Sore throat: yes.
Stitches: yes.. 13stiches..
Broken nose: nope.
---Do You---Like picnics? yes!~
---Who---Did you last yell at: saye budak bek.. hehe..
Do you like yourself?- yup!~ very much..

---Final Questions---
What are you listening to right now?like a boy - ciara
Hated someone in your family?- tak der..
Diamond or pearl?- diamond most likely..
Indoors or outdoors:- outdoors!~

---Today did you---
1. Talk to someone special?- blum lagik..
2. Who?- faishal b rosman..
.3. Talked to an ex:- owh tidak!~
6. Miss someone:- agak..

Last person who---
7. Was in your bed besides you:- my sister
8. Talked to on the phone?- amir
9. Made you cry?- my family.. miss them much!~
10. Went to the movies with?- my friends.
11. You went to the mall with:- my friends
13. Been to Asia:- haha..

14. What book u reading right now?- perfume by patrick suskind
.15. Future kids names:- wth.

Time Finished:1021hrs