Saturday, September 26, 2009

.cold off.

1)status of you and the last person you sent a text to.
- sayang menyayangi

2)do you have any plans for saturday?
- rabakkan mate sambel minom pearl kacep fatimah. telan notes yang tawar dan kurang enak.

3)when was the last time you got flowers?
- ntah. tak igt.

4)has anyone told u that u looked like someone famous?
- ade. dulu2 ade kakak n abg senior form 5 kate aku cam claudio schiffer. true story. :)

5)Do you love anyone?
- Yes

6)Are you sad or happy?
- rase nak bunuh die. nape perlunye xm skrg. :(

7)Are you in love?
- yes

8)Have you read the book Twilight?
- want to but haven't.

9)If you had a chance to get back together with your ex, would you?
- tidak same skali.

10)Do you think your attractive?
-YES (dengan idung kembang sket.)

11)What do you like about yourself?
-my affection towards person/things that i like.

12)Is there someone on your mind?
- ye ade.

13)Do you think someone is talking behind your back?
- dunno dun care.

14)Do you like it when guys have egos?
- harus tapi jgn menggunung. kalau tak de langsong pon lembek jugak org tgk.

15)Do you hate your friends?
- tiade kot.

16)Do you remember your first crush's name?
-ye. hamzah b ape ntah. kat tadika gertak merah. gatal nye aku.

17)What are you?
- student

18)did you kiss anyone today?

19)are you a mean person?
-dunno dun care

20)are you excited for anything?
-yes. tgu xm abes. nak balik pg cpat2.

21)have you let someone down in the last week?
-hmmm... kite ckp tidak. tapi hati org siapa yang tahu.

22)are you close with your siblings?
- ye

23)do you get along with your parents?

24)are you in a good mood right now?
-no. m S E R A B O T

25)who was the last person you spoke on the phone for over an hour?
- encik sayang

26)do you like to make the first move?
- depends.

27)do you hate it when people smoke around you?
- m neutral against smoker. tapi kalau hembos kat muke gua tuh mmg cari gado la tuh.

28)whats something you really want right now, be honest:
- miss comel dan encik sayang.

29)whats the longest you've ever talked on the phone?
- cant recall.

30)has anyone ever sang to you?
- YES!

31)do you get emotional easily?
- depends on what. if any berkaitan my family, miss comel dan encik sayang mmg sgt la.

32)has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
-ye. tiga org - me, myself and i. :) perasan budus.

33)is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
- ye.

34)has someone ever made a promise to you and broken it?
- ade. standard ah tuh.

35)do you want someone back in your life?
-my arwah mom.