Saturday, June 28, 2008

long tym no see

it's been a while since i updated my blog. got problem with my comp actually. cant online as well. neways. everything about my life has already changed. m now a completely different person. nothing about me is the same now. literally. funny thing about life is u might think dat u get everything on its place when its really not. my life is so dysfunctional ryt now. like i have the tool but cannot use it. really.

but wutever it is, i now have aim in life. not a wanderer nemore. and i pray hard, very, ver, very, very hard dat m gonna get wut i aim for. thing is, m so goddamn scare if i lose them. both the person i love the most in this whole wide world. m scare i'll never see them again. 3yers is really a long tym to hang on. really. everything can happen in that period of tym.


ya allah tuhan yang maha pengasih,

janganla Kau jauhkan aku dari matlamat hidup ku. Kau kuatkan lah hatiku. tetapkanlah diriku pada matlamatku. sesungguhnya Kau la tuhan yang maha pemurah dan maha penyayang.

Amin ya Rabbal 'alamin