the weekends going on pretty smooth and nice.. went to watch transformer wif sum wawa, lat, joy and their sabahan fren, afey..(how to spell.. hmm.. agaknye..) and the movie was so freaking cool..!!!! criously.. sumpah rase macam nak tgk lagi nie.. owh yes.. i loOOOOOOve BUMBLEBEE!! haha.. sooo freakin cute mende alah robot jadah tuh... here's the pic of him..(or it.. i dunno...)

itula die kekaseh hati aku skarang.. buat aku jatuh cinte pada ke'jantan'an seorang autobot yang macho dan kelakar.. ewah.. hehe..
neways.. dat movie is awesome.. sesape yang tak tgk lagi.. sila2 kan la ke panggung wayang terdekat.. huhu...
neways.. cinema kat mlk mall tuh da bukak.. okay jek la.. seat menarek dan selesa.. tapi yang tak besnye sbb the screen is godamn kcik gile.. tak bes.. mbo.. (wat izzit stands for ek? melaka box office ke? .. ) paper jek la.. tapi.. okayla.. atleast tak payah nek due bas gie mp (bye bye mahkota parade.. sob.. sob...) smate2 nak tgk muvie baru... kan? .. jimat duit mak.. 7plo sen jek tuh nak gi.. tuh yang bagusnye.. hehe..
lagi.. semalam.. makan dinner kat rampai selera ngan wawa.. okayla.. despite tgu nasik lame gile.. the nasik is quite sedap jgak tuh.. kire berselera aku makan bersama wawa... but the flaw was... we are sitting next to sum lelaki melayu yang kuang ajar and have pretty bad manners.. macam tut... (no cursing in the blog plz... not good for health.. haha..) buat malu melayu jek.. dis is the only reason why WE, the malay girls duzen want to marry malay guys.. (FAISHAL IS JAWA.. the connection izen direct!~ ..) you know.. sumtyms you guys talks crap and brags about all those shyt yang makes us think.. '0wh plzzz... **rolling my eyes..' bahase kasarnye.. cakap macam org tak skola.. paper je la... naseb aje wawa and i in a very gud mud waktu tuh.. hehe...

neways.. dat movie is awesome.. sesape yang tak tgk lagi.. sila2 kan la ke panggung wayang terdekat.. huhu...
neways.. cinema kat mlk mall tuh da bukak.. okay jek la.. seat menarek dan selesa.. tapi yang tak besnye sbb the screen is godamn kcik gile.. tak bes.. mbo.. (wat izzit stands for ek? melaka box office ke? .. ) paper jek la.. tapi.. okayla.. atleast tak payah nek due bas gie mp (bye bye mahkota parade.. sob.. sob...) smate2 nak tgk muvie baru... kan? .. jimat duit mak.. 7plo sen jek tuh nak gi.. tuh yang bagusnye.. hehe..
lagi.. semalam.. makan dinner kat rampai selera ngan wawa.. okayla.. despite tgu nasik lame gile.. the nasik is quite sedap jgak tuh.. kire berselera aku makan bersama wawa... but the flaw was... we are sitting next to sum lelaki melayu yang kuang ajar and have pretty bad manners.. macam tut... (no cursing in the blog plz... not good for health.. haha..) buat malu melayu jek.. dis is the only reason why WE, the malay girls duzen want to marry malay guys.. (FAISHAL IS JAWA.. the connection izen direct!~ ..) you know.. sumtyms you guys talks crap and brags about all those shyt yang makes us think.. '0wh plzzz... **rolling my eyes..' bahase kasarnye.. cakap macam org tak skola.. paper je la... naseb aje wawa and i in a very gud mud waktu tuh.. hehe...