you see.. i dun really like my high skewl very much.. it may be the least tym of my life dat i enjoy the most.. sadly.. it's my teenagers yang makes me trap inside the situation where everyone wants to make a ful out of themselves indirectly.. kys is.. (no offence..) the most ridiculous and hell-er place to grow up.. not gud for health.. hehe.. however.. it has taught me one great lesson in life.. : HANG ON..

nur azimah bt hamzah aka jiemot
my bestie kat kmj... sesame gi kelas.. ke tandas.. ke kuliah.. ke padang.. kemane2 saje together2.. hehe.. jiemot sambung degree kat uthm.. the same coz wif me.. kate bestie.. yek tak? hehe.. neways.. momot is very sweet and kind.. alwiz pikirkan pasal org lain without knowing dat she'll be hurt.. do the ryt choice babe.. it's not the matter of weather kite kene jg hati org tuh jek.. abes kau nak diri kau dipersia2kan? hehe... aku rindu kamu bagai orang gilak mot.. lame tak jumpe jiemot.. ~~windue~~

joyce kabinchong ~ farah wahidah bt mohd shah
dua org yang jadik sumber kekuatan aku sepanjang aku kat mmu nie.. from 3rdjuly 2006 till now.. it's like when i come here.. dalam pada terumbang ambing mengejar cite2.. waktu first tym kaki aku jejak kat bukit beruang nie.. dis two wonderful person became my frens, sisters, and living diaries..
i love you two chicks!~

you see.. i may say after 19yers 3months and 9days living in this bullshit world.. we tend to forget the people dat once upon a tym makes futsteps in our little life.. i might forget sum ppl yang sekolah same2 kat sigs dulu.. or the one yang duduk side byside wif me during kindergarten kat nuri tmn perling dulu (owh.. how small i was back then...) but the most important thing to be remembered is the fact yang we have to keep moving on in life although so many f*ckers will try to ruin our sweet innocence life.. admit it.. dun deny.. we all one of the f*ckers..