1.Who sat behind you in science?
hmm.. let me see.. if physics is science.. i gez.. ramai gile da..
2. Last text you received on your
mobile was from?
3. If you could kiss anyone who would
it be?
4. What song are you listening to?
tiger lily - matchbook romance..
5. Who does it remind you of?
an. he introduced to me that song.. d'uh..
6. Last movie you watched? TRANSFORMERS!~
7. Which of your friends lives closest
to you?
ntah.. malas nak figure..
8.What CD is in your stereo?
sooo lame..
9. Do you have a job?
yup.. sleeping and eating..
10. What did you do yesterday?
lemme see.. nothing.. doing my job - see above question..
12. Do you wear contacts or glasses? my eyesight are gud...
13. Last person you ditched class with?
sashi.. partner in crime..
14. If you found out you got pregnant,
what would you do?
gie call bf.. 'sayang.. you hit the jackpot!~' hahaha..
15. Do you trust your friends?
honestly? no..
16. Who was the last person to call
my mom..
17. What annoys you?
18. Would you move to another state or
country to be with the one you love?
19. Next vacation you're going on?
ntah.. bz nowadays..
20. Do you play any instruments?
yup.. roy's kepale yang butaks.. haha..
21. Do you believe that everything
happens for a reason?
yup.. qada' and qadar..
22. Do you want any piercings?
xmo.. saket.. criously!~
23. Can you roll your R's?
yup!~ = >
24. Did you ever go to Prom?
annual dinner tu prom ke?
26. What are your nicknames?
pikachu!~ hafiz kasik.. hehe..

27. Last time you went to the mall?
ari tuh.. saturday.. went to cinema..
28. Who last MSNed you?
jap.. i dun on9 dat much..
29. What kind of music do you like?
wutever pleases my ears..
30. What was the last thing you ate?
31. Ever snuck outta the house?
32. Which of your friends would make
the best roommate?
33. Last thing you purchased?
roti gardenia. kat uptown.
34. What's your favorite beverage?
vanilla latte!~
35. Would you stop talking to your
friend if they started hooking up with
your new girl/guy?
nope.. i feel happy for him/her..
36. Do people ever spell your name
yes.. SHAFIKAH selalunye.. so uglied spelt...
37. What's the last compliment you
malu arh..
38. Are you watching tv?
39. What are some features you find
most attractive in the opposite sex?
the eyes. and the smile.
40. Last time you spent the night at
someone's house?
2weeks ago..
41. When was the last time you were
extremely disappointed?
last week.